1. Thorough customer identity verification: Require valid and verifiable identification documents before processing any orders.
2. Purchase behavior analysis: Utilize analytical tools to detect unusual or suspicious purchasing patterns.
3. Robust payment authentication: Demand secure payment methods and perform additional verifications, such as security codes and billing addresses.
4. IP address monitoring: Log and analyze customer IP addresses to detect fraudulent or unusual activity.
5. Manual order review: Conduct manual reviews of orders triggering alerts or meeting certain risk criteria.
6. Geographical restrictions: Limit sales to certain regions or countries with high levels of fraudulent activity.
7. Staff training: Train staff in identifying signs of potential fraud and handling suspicious situations appropriately.
8. Collaboration with fraud prevention service providers: Work with specialized fraud prevention companies to stay updated on the latest trends and techniques used by scammers.
9. Strict return policy: Implement strict return policies to reduce the risk of fraud through fraudulent returns.
10. Clear communication with customers: Inform customers about the security measures implemented and the reasons behind any additional verification they may be asked for.